Sunday 29 March 2015

The Secret of Using the New Google Trends

Google recently announced three powerful new ways to explore what is trending on Google within Google Trends.

These tools will come in handy when you need fresh ideas for blog posts or newsjacking angles for press releases.  These are the hot news stories of the moment, and give you key topics to weave into a content idea you already have in order to ride the wave of a particular trend.

Here are the 3 new ways to use Google Trends.

1) Trending Top Charts


Find out what is trending overall on Google in the USA (more countries on the way soon apparently) for a wide variety of categories on the new Top Charts section within Google Trends.

We can see in the current trends above that Miley Cyrus, Lamar Odum and Alex Rodriguez are huge topics right now in the search stream.

Based on that information perhaps you decide your next article on social media reputation management will focus on Miley Cyrus so you can capitalize on all of the search interest she has drummed up.

Or maybe you are doing a PR for your reputation management service, and you tie in how Alex Rodriguez is managing his scandal.

You also can drill down in each term to get trends over time, regional search volumes and related search terms:


Its an AWESOME tool to get a quick snap shot of what’s trending right now, where and why.  Powerful stuff.

2.) Hot Searches

This is a list of the top 16 trends of the day, and a link to a story of “why”.  Another great place to scan and look for stories to tie into other content you are creating.


3) Past 30 Days of Hot Searches

If you click on the calendar icon near the top of the page you will see the hottest searches for the past 30 days.

Take the earlier example of using Miley Cyrus within your copy and take it a step further. Perhaps you decide it is worthwhile to do a larger article on the social media ups and downs of celebrities in the past month.

Using the 30 days of hot searches you can identify a ton of different stories you can use to compare and contrast throughout your article.


Just looking above, I can see tie ins to Johnny Manziel, Ben Affleck and Sydney Leathers

This proposed direction will add more depth to the article and it will often require enough work and writing talent that it will stand out from the rest of content online; no easy feat, nor one to downplay.

After all, the more powerful and well devised the content the better chances it will have to be shared and ultimately build a ton of viewership.

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